* 15 Years of Mississippi Chapter Discover God’s Call Retreats *
Date | National # | Location | Speaker |
Spring 1996 |
69 | Arlean Hall | Rev. Peter Pereira |
Spring 1997 |
84 | Arlean Hall | Rev. David Brazelton |
Spring1998 |
103 | Arlean Hall | Rev. Doug Pepper |
Spring 2000 |
142 | Wesley Pines | Rev. Walter Albritton |
Spring 2001 |
162 | Arlean Hall | Rev. Scott Carter |
Spring 2002 |
180 | Wesley Pines | Rev. James & Patsy Twiner |
Fall 2002 |
202 | Wesley Pines | Rev. Cecil Williamson |
Spring 2003 |
203 | Arlean Hall | Rev. Martin Case |
Fall2003 |
215 | Wesley Pines | Rev. Cecil Williamson |
Spring 2004 |
219 | Arlean Hall | Rev. John M. Barrett |
Fal 2004 |
231 | Wesley Pines | Rev. Scott Carter |
Spring 2005 |
236 | Arlean Hall | Rev. John M. Barrett |
Fall 2005 |
250 | Wesley Pines | Rev. Taylor Gallman |
Spring 2006 |
261 | Wesley Pines | Rev. Cecil Williamson |
Fall 2006 |
264 | Wesley Pines | Rev. Dale Hathorn |
Fall 2007 |
275 | Wesley Pines | Rev. Taylor Gallman |
Fall 2008 |
289 | Wesley Pines | Rev. Dale Hathorn |
Spring 2009 |
306 | Batesville 1st UMC | Rev. Julian Davis |
Fall 2009 |
298 | Wesley Pines | Rev. John M. Barrett |
Spring 2010 |
312 | Johnston Chapel UMC | Rev. John Garrott |
Fall 2010 |
313 | Wesley Pines | Rev. Julian Davis |
Spring 2011 |
316 | Hernando UMC | Rev. John Garrott |
Fall 2011 |
321 | Wesley Pines | Rev. Taylor Gallman |
The National Organization - History and Background |
August 9, 1982, Dr. Charles Kinder, then President of The Foundation For Evangelism, and Gus Gustafson, author and layman from
A. Discover God's Call would have to do its own funding; B. The program, before being launched nationally, should be tested in then either the Northeast or the far West and, C. The program should direct people back into local church ministry rather than into para-church organizations. A plan for launching the program was worked out with Dr. Charles Kinder, Dr. G. Ross Freeman, then Executive Secretary of the South Eastern Jurisdiction of the December 18, 1982, twelve people met at the Founders in December 1, 1984, a group in About one year later, November 28-30, 1986, the first retreat was held at |
At the July, 1997, National Council meeting, it was decided to take a new direction in the administration of Discover God’s Call. Chapters will begin to take over the complete administration of their own retreats. They’ll secure their own speakers and contract with the retreat centers. Retreat Managers, representing the National Council and The Foundation, will be at each retreat to be sure all goes according to the planned program. This change will allow almost unlimited growth for Discover... . It has been obvious that Discover God's Call is a powerful means of helping lay people identify possible ministries and their gifts for serving God through their local church and beyond. Through God's continued guidance and empowered by the Holy Spirit, Discover... will be an ever increasing force in bringing renewal to the United Methodist Church and bringing new souls into Christ's Kingdom. |
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